Introducing the 1st Issue of the Nicholai Studies

Srećko Petrović

Introducing the 1st Issue of the Nicholai Studies

pages: 7-16


Dear readers,

With the first issue of the new international journal dedicated to the research of Bishop Nicholai Velimirovich’s legacy, the circumstances and the context in which he lived and created, and the issues of reception of his ideas and his contribution, we would like to say a word on the main editorial and publishing policies.

We fully endorse academic rules on publishing and publication ethics. Our journal is published both in English and Serbian language; we apply the double-blind unbiased peer-review, including internal review by the Editorial Board and external reviewers, experts on the topic.



271.222(497.11)-726.2-36:929 Николај Велимировић, свети(045)

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